Gas Inserts | Designer, Architect, & Builder Info

Mendota FV44i with a copper front, installed in a typical Highlands Ranch home.

Gas inserts are designed to transform older masonry and factory-built fireplaces from inefficient, decorative appliances into highly-efficient systems that can heat large areas of your home. Unlike fireplaces that are framed into a wall, inserts must be placed inside an existing fireplace. Gas inserts are designed to have the front glass or doors that sit flush with the opening of the fireplace. All gas inserts are ‘direct vent’—they have two flexible liners that run up through the chimney to bring air into the firebox and take the exhaust back up the chimney. Thanks to this technology, no air from the living environment is ever used for combustion and no soot or carbon monoxide can enter your home. The input rating on gas inserts ranges from about 20,000- 40,000 BTU/hour. As with all hearth appliances, the ceramic glass in the glass radiates the largest percentage of heat into the room. Most inserts have an optional blower system for added heat circulation. The cost for a typical gas insert installation ranges from $4,500-$9,000; however, cost varies based on the complexity of your project.

We display eight fully operational models of gas inserts from Mendota, Kozy Heat, and American Hearth in our showroom. We are dealers for Valor and Fireplace Xtrordinair as well.


Mendota gas inserts are top-of-the line when it comes to quality and heat output. With an extensive collection of styles and design options, these inserts are infinitely customizable.


FireplaceX is a high-quality brand. Their fireplace inserts have a variety of customizable fronts, log sets, and media, allowing you to customize your insert to fit your client’s style and needs.

Kozy Heat

Kozy Heat offers basic, solidly built fireplace inserts. These inserts are a superb home heating option with a limited variety of looks.